Monday, October 29, 2012

thematic unit --- relationships

My thematic unit will be based on friendship/relationships.  I am using the fourth chapter from the textbook (Realidades 3) – as a source more than strictly following it. The main vocabulary that will be included deals with personal characteristics and the grammar point that I would like my students to become proficient with is the use of (present) subjunctive in cases with emotion.

The culminating project (assessment) will be an apology letter that they will write to a “friend” who they have had a “fight” with. In this letter they will be able to express emotion and utilize the subjunctive, describe characteristics of themselves and the friend to whom they are writing.

Breaking down my unit by the five Cs I have the following ideas:
1.       Culture:
a.       Valentine’s Day – emphasis more on friendship than romantic love in Columbia, specific gifts given in Spain
b.      Permission activity – there is a chart in the book about what Mexican youth need permission for. We will make our own based on the experiences of the students in my two sections of level three and Sra. Foster’s four sections.
2.       Connections:
a.       Stats – Using the data derived from the permission survey the students will create statistics and a chart.
3.       Comparison:
a.       Family of words – if you know one word (ie – the verb, noun, or adjective) you can probably figure out the other two. Students will look at the list in the textbook and also generate their own.
b.      Holidays – Valentines activity
c.       Permission activity – self explanatory
4.       Community:
a.       Perception of young people in Spain – pie charts in textbook.
                                                                  i.      What are the perceptions of us?
                                                                ii.      Interview community members.
1.       Do we like it?
2.       Do we want to change it?
3.       How?
5.       Communication:
a.         Letter writing – explained earlier (assessment)

Additional activities:
·         Friendship Quiz
·         Horoscopes
·         Personal ad 

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