Wednesday, December 14, 2011


well, it's finals week. and you know what that means. holy moley freak out. and try to get everything done that you should have started way earlier. 

i'm in a pretty okay place. i think. two exams and two papers to go. i'm not sure if i should feel as calm as i do now. maybe it's just because it's nearly three am and i'm on the ninth floor of the library listening to the rain hit the  window. it is rather soothing. 

i have not been in any education courses this semester so i will use that as the excuse for why i have not posted since this summer. as always, when one semester is coming to a close i eagerly look to the next in anticipation for topics that have yet to be explored and the fresh slate that awaits. but alas, much stands between me and spring semester. 

i must first decide if i want to stay at the library and try to write more of my paper or call it quits for now and head home. (i think the fact that i'm blogging out of no where is evidence that i should choose my bed.) 

i have much to say. and much to share. if with no one else, then just with myself, on a more articulate level than usual. so i am hoping to use this medium more.

an aside: i am glad that i am now aware of its existence, but at the same time i am frustrated that no one in my life thought it was worth mentioning to me. [post secret]

good night. and good luck.