The "Three Ps" - practices, products, perspectives: Integral to interacting within a culture
Product: Spanish films by Pedro Almodóvar
Practice: Depicting Spain and Spanish life,
especially marginalized groups, at the time when Spain was just beginning to “open
up” at the end of Franco’s dictatorship.
Perspective: Making what is considered marginal or
taboo – mainstream. Almodóvar did a lot of work to bring to light the lives of
the gay community, the drug circles, and those seen as pariahs of society.
Product: Names – María García Lopez
Practice: Spanish naming system – García is her
father’s last name and Lopez is her mother’s last name. When María has children she will pass on the name
of García to them. When a woman marries she does not change her name.
Perspective: I’m not sure what perspective this
conveys, perhaps that there is a sense that a part of you comes from your
mother and a part from your father. The fact that a married woman does not
change her name communicates level of independence.
I like the idea of teaching students by using the three Ps. Students
could pick an everyday normal occurrence in the target culture and use the
themes of product, practice, and perspective. By looking at the occurrence in this
way students will be able to better understanding the meaning behind it. Students
will not look at the product of a siesta and
attribute it to Spanish “laziness” but rather they will dig deeper and find the
possible explanation of this practice and what perspective it expresses.
Why don’t you help me?
If siesta is the product then what are the practice and
perspective surrounding it?
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