Thursday, June 9, 2011

Book vs. eBook

My blog (20) is Early Ed Watch and the post I chose to comment on is entitled "Learning to Read: Will E-Books Help or Hinder?"

(found at this site: and continued on the following link:

The blog, overall, deals with issues surrounding the education of all American children from birth to eight years old. This blog post, in specific, is focused on the pros and cons of using electronic books with young children. The blog post is connected to another site which hosts the entire article that the author, Lisa Guernsey, wrote for the “School Library Journal.”

Many different teachers and reading specialists weigh in on whether or not eBooks aid students or just cause more confusion. One good point that is made early on is delving into the definition of “eBook.” An electronic book could be anything from a PDF file to an animated feature that is 75% or more pure animation with very little actual text. Some eBooks have narration and mark what word is being said at what time. Others include games, quizzes and activities.

An advantage of an eBook is that more students can have access to many materials. At the same time, many fear that eBooks will be the demise of the appreciation and understanding of physical books, as well as the books themselves.

The one point that really resonated with me was what Julie Hume, a reading specialist in University City, MO, stated. She said, “When students repeatedly have a strong model of fluency, the more they hear that, the better they get it.” For this reason I think eBooks would be a wonderful resource for students who do not have English speaking parents at home. It is a well known statistic that children do better at reading if they are read to at home. When that is not an option an eBook, with a narrator could fill in some of those gaps.

I am excited to see where the electronic book will lead us and what benefits all individuals can receive from it.

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