Thursday, January 13, 2011

kent state golden flash(er/es)

And so it's official - I am a Golden Flash (or as my parents would comically say, a Golden Flasher). 

I am one class away from completing my first week here at KSU and am happy with how it has gone thus far. I thought coming from Calvin (4,200 students) to Kent (21,000 undergraduates) I would be completely lost in the sea of people. But my pre-semester planning has helped me get the lay of the land. And I am definitely not afraid to seek out answers. Still it's all so new.

I am, however, surprised by the abundance of familiar faces that I see on a daily basis. I mean in a school of 21,000 - what are the odds that I would see 4-6 people I know a day? But I guess such a large number of my former classmates have made Kent home, whether initially or, like me, as a secondary nature. 

Calvin will always have my heart - but I think Kent will gain my respect quite quickly. 

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