It made me realize, I think for the first time, the breadth of what I'm trying to accomplish by becoming a teacher. I'm going to be taking children I do not know and possibly will never understand or be able to relate to, and trying to teach them things that may or may not mean anything to them, and I'll have to work around and through all the darknesses in my own soul, as well as theirs, and everyone in my classroom is going to be vulnerable, whether they know it or not. says a lot of other really great stuff about being a teacher in this post. I encourage you to read it.
In other exciting news: the transfer center has completed looking at my transcripts and I am in the process of conversations with the Spanish and Education departments to see how some of those specific credits will transfer. I am optimistic and excited for the next few semesters/summers here at Kent.
I'll leave you with a photo of my puppy - because she makes me happy! Lily!